Science & Technology

Author: Brisa

5 Ways Mobile Apps Have Made Our Life Easier

It would be a proven fact that technology is one of the most significant accomplishments humans have ever made. In reality, in the current situation, technology is nothing short of a boon. And technology is advancing at a breakneck rate. And as it grows, it adds a slew of new features that we were previously unaware of!

The advent of smartphones through technological advancements has transformed our lives and elevated them to new heights. And several applications on the current smartphone market are nothing short of lifesavers. In getting any of your electronics (smartphones especially), you can check online reviews about local electronic stores to get the best Applications are essentially the entire world contained inside a small platform.

1.  Distance No Longer an Issue

Humans have a strong bond with one another, which is referred to as family bonding. For us, family is the most important thing, and we feel compelled to keep in touch with every family member. When humans had not yet discovered the true meaning of life, this was likely.

However, as the pressures of modern life increase, the gap between family members is increasingly widening. In this challenging time, mobile apps have proven to be beneficial in reducing this gap. Various social media applications like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and others have made an impact! Find exciting feedbacks on US-Reviews for the right guide.

2.  Boredom takes a break.

When you hear the word boredom, it makes you feel irritated! When we are engrossed in our jobs, we are oblivious to the passage of time. Boredom, on the other hand, is at its peak when we have little to do. And the devil’s house is an empty skull! However, smartphone apps have also been able to hold this vision at bay. When we have free time, …

Teldat’s Cloud Network Management Dual Protection

The trend of cloud computing or cloud-managed networks has become a popular demand in several countries in the world. A research institute reported that at least 50{d7b6e842e9f0d05c90e46f100e685fbe6381778a06bc45f1b39140a5e7de9cd2} of large companies have migrated to the cloud to store important company data. Even though Cloud is still relatively ordinary, the demand for Cloud’s willingness is quite high.

With this phenomenon, companies cannot forget the need for data storage security in the Cloud. Then, what needs to be anticipated, and how to handle it?

Data is the New Oil

There have been many cases reported from various industries, especially banking, regarding the hacking that occurred. Of course, this has an impact on a fairly large loss. Not only banking, e-commerce companies, or better known as eCommerce have a great opportunity to be hacked by cybercriminals.

Basic Safety System Required

A series of cyberattacks that hit companies made many cloud providers flock to offer cloud managed sdn networks services with high security. Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) can ward off cyber threats even though it hides behind applications. However, NGFW is not able to ward off attacks against web-based applications which are mostly known as SQL Injection attacks. Therefore a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is needed.

Virtual System with a Dummy IP Address

Many of you use vendors to build a website. However, it should be noted that the vendor you choose must be careful to check the script code they write in building a website application. This is very important for vendors to pay attention to and do because otherwise, the code has holes for cybercriminals to hack.…

Guide to Choosing the Right SD-WAN Provider for the Company

Amid a pandemic like today, an internet connection is a major need to stay connected with family and coworkers. Some telecommunications operators have increased traffic, mainly for broadband-based services. The same is true for companies that continue to operate normally during the WFH period, although not all employees are deployed. For example, the banking sector still requires employees to serve customers amid a pandemic. Internet networks in related offices must always be active, both at the head office and at the branch office so that the company’s system can still run optimally.

Apart from these needs, where the economy is unpredictable, companies must take strategic steps in managing expenses including in terms of corporate networks. To improve network efficiency, companies can use SD-WAN which can also be applied to WAN (wide area network). However, the selection of vendors or SD-WAN providers is an important thing that needs attention, so that the goal for network efficiency can be realized properly.

Tips on choosing the right SD-WAN vendor

One of the uses of SD-WAN network products is to connect company networks including branch offices and data centers that have large geographical distances. Broad network coverage, especially for companies that have branch offices in various regions, requires proper handling. This is where the role of the SD-WAN vendor is needed to overcome them.

Centralized Management

Networks managed by software will reduce the complexity of the underlying infrastructure. In its operation, SD-WAN offering such solutions must also be easy to use and manage. The system that regulates SD-WAN must also display connectivity that unites all company networks in full.


An effective SD-WAN solution must implement software-based orchestration and business guidelines established across networks, including hybrid WAN, Cloud, and wired or wireless LANs at branch offices. For information, orchestration here is automatic configuration, coordination, …

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